Sewcial Distancing: How to customise your socks

SEWcial Distancing is a series I’ve started to add some creativity and DIY into our new home bound lives. The projects will all be straightforward and previous sewing experience isn’t needed. I’ll be providing packs on my website which will have all the equipment you’ll need to do the DIY at home.

This project is ‘SASS UP YOUR SOCKS”. Add some fun into your day by customising your socks with beads, crystals and gems.

nike, socks, custom, customising, DIY, upcycling clothing,
nike, socks, customise, DIY, custom, crafts, peronsalise, lydia bolton

There are beads, crystals, a beading needle and thread so you can do this project easily, at home. The main thing is to channel your creativity and unique.

Here are my top tips when you customising your socks:

  • Make sure to stretch the sock when you are sewing on the beads - the sock will need to stretch to be put on and worn so it’s important to check it can still stretch while you’re sewing.

  • Don’t attach the beads too tightly but leave the thread slightly loose, again, to allow the sock to stretch.

  • Remember to sew the beads on securely - do a double stitch on some beads to make sure they won’t pull off.

  • Don’t stitch too many beads on in one piece of thread but instead stitch on a few then tie a knot.

  • When sewing the crystals around the top, sew each on individually and ensure the sock is stretched.

Kits are available in shop of my website - custom kits are available if you want to build your own pack. I’d love you see your own personally socks so make sure to tag me on instagram!