How to make a DIY charm
How to make a DIY charm using scrap fabric
Decide on shape: you can use the paper stencils or draw your own shape onto the fabric
Pin the cut out paper stencil onto the RIGHT side of the fabric and cut around the edge
Pin this cut out shape onto a another scrap to make the back. Pin the WRONG sides together so that the RIGHT (the most patterned side) of the fabric is visible outwards on both sides
Now you have a front & back cut out, pin the 2 together so it’s ready to stitch
Cut a length of thread (approx length of your arm). If you’re using embroidery thread, split the 6 strands in 1/2 so you’re using 3. This will make the needle easier to thread and the stitches will be neater than the thicker 6 strands.
Thread your needle and tie a knot at one end of the thread
Do a blanket stitch around the edge of your shape, making sure your stitches aren’t too small and are securely stitching through the front and back.
When you’re 3/4 of the way round, stuff the shape with the stuffing
Stitch up the gap
Create a loop with the thread to attach to the key ring and finished!!
Watch the vid to see each step in practice
if you want to stitch a embroider on your shape (this could be the X nose of the bunny or any decoration) stitch this on before you sew the front and back together (before step 7)
if you run out of something (eg stuffing), do you have old items at home you can remake? (maybe cutting up an old, holey sock to make more stuffing?!)